Meghan Lewis MacLeod

MLMacLeodFineArt's picture
Neighborhood: Mission

Cycles of the seasons, moods of the moon, weather patterns, elementals, and all things perinatal continuously inspire my creative musings. My process of mixed media abstract art making employs several iterations- initially as a kind of dowsing experiment; The brush or oil stick, a rod I subtly or exaggeratedly move across the substrate sometimes scratching into the surface as if on a kind of archeological dig with utmost care and concentration all the while conjuring the occurrence of the nascent configurations. As seemingly unformed forces make themselves visible on the surface of the panel- once intangible musings then a sort of sur/render into an alchemical current; In excited anticipation, I await the clarifying marks and brushstrokes as they delineate the basic elements integral to the composition. Toward the final iterations, with each declarative layer of color, texture, and form, I begin to perceive the inherent underlying essence of the image, its meaning or message.